
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being too nice has gone too far.

Stop giving value! My skin cringes whenever I notice someone giving another person value when that person has not earned it. This morning at the gas station, three guys are walking across the front entrance from outside. A female pulled up and got out of her car heading towards the door. Two of the gentlemen walked past the front door blocking her entry. The third guy stopped and said “go ahead.” Now I know he is just being polite and blah blah blah. From my perspective he was non-verbally saying: “where I am heading or what I’m doing is not as important as you getting into the store 10 seconds sooner.”
Take up space in this world. Are you blazing a path, on your way up? If you were; nothing stands in your way, you are on a mission 24/7. I had recently had a home improvement client that started every script with “I know you’re busy, I’ll be brief.” That was the first thing I tore out of the script. Why? Do you really know if I am busy? What if I am sitting around doing nothing? Oh, you are just being polite and courteous? Well polite and courteous people usually get trampled on by those that know what they want and are good at communicating it. What else does that statement imply? That whatever it is that you have to say needs to be shortened up because someone you don’t know, and probably does not have any clue how to manage their time is….. busy? And do you really make it brief? No you are just trying to give some value to someone that hasn’t earned it because you need a lead that bad.
Try telling them that you are busy! Is that the best way to start off a customer interaction? Maybe, maybe not. I do know that I want nothing to do with someone that knows so much about my schedule without knowing me. If you have something important to say, then just say it.
Tune in tomorrow for how many times I puke when someone starts a call with:
Destry Brink

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